

Garden bunch #125

Daily painting#125. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel. SOLD

A huge thank you to those of you who supported the January sale! I really appreciate the interest you have shown in my daily painting and feel privileged to be posting so many little paintings off to new homes!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click highlighted writing to see gallery of available daily paintings)


Sun vs Clouds #124

Daily painting #124. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

I have to admit to not painting this first thing this morning! Instead I took some photos on my iPad and then worked later in the studio with the sound and smell of the rain filtering in! So in the battle of the light that took place this morning....the sun wanted desperately to push its way through and illuminate ....but those grey heavy clouds were having none of that! They stood fast and won the battle! Thank goodness!   I have been waging my own war against this heat....January/February heat in Durban is not my favorite...keeping cool feels almost impossible! So a cloudy day it was today...with some light rain...and about 10 degrees cooler! A welcome treat this time of year!

Today is the LAST DAY of the JANUARY SALE!!!!!  The sale ends tonight Friday 31 January at 12 pm (SA time). If you have had your eye on a little painting be sure not to miss out! Email me at if you wish to enquire about the price of a painting in ZAR(South African Rands) or if you want to make use of the free postage I am offering within South Africa(only for the duration of the sale). Last minute shopping....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available work)


Whiskey #123

Daily painting #123. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel. SOLD

Cheers! To all the other artists who have completed 30 paintings in 30 days (more than 400 artists) in Leslie Saeta's 30/30 challenge ....well done! Thanks for all the fun, it has been great meeting so many new artists! I have loved seeing everyone's work each day and I think I am actually going to miss it! I hope if you visited my blog via the challenge that you will visit again some time and stay in touch! Thanks for all the comments, encouragement and sharing....the challenge is now over and we can all be proud of our passion and commitment to painting!
 I think in hind sight a sip of whiskey prior to the painting might have been a better's late and it's been difficult, in between teaching and ploughing through the busy afternoon, to find time to paint so once again it has been a late night studio session....however.....CHEERS!

Only 2 days left of the JANUARY ends 12pm (SA time) Friday 31st Jan.

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click the highlighted writing to view gallery of available work)


Little dish and blueberries #122

Daily painting #122. 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

This little painting was just simply a struggle today! Yes i do have those days too! There are a few things I might have done differently coupled with the fact that I was tired (late night last night) and I was probably forcing myself to work quicker. I had a bit of time pressure because I had to take my son to a swimming gala this evening and didn't want to still be painting later in the evening.....yes it was one of those crazy days! Too busy and not enough time! I did end up back in my studio this evening because some of the tones where worrying me. All things taken into account the painting didn't turn out too badly and I am relieved I resisted the temptation to just wipe the entire painting off was a struggle but here is #122....

It's the second to last day of the Leslie Saeta 30/30 challenge....I am almost there...and...
Only 3 days left of the JANUARY SALE!!!!! Be sure to check the gallery of available work. For queries on prices in ZAR (South African Rands) and to claim free postage in SA(for the duration of the sale)  email me on

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available work)


In memory of a bee #121

Daily painting #121  6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

I am not a lover of  creepy crawlies and flying noo-noos (insects), especially that mosquito that was buzzing persistently around my ear in the early hours of the morning!! But I have to admit to finding bees fascinating and hate it when I see someone squishing them. Granted neither I or my children are allergic to bee stings and thank goodness for that because living on the border of a public park which is densely populated with trees means lots of bees! There are definitely one or two hives close by! But lately, sadly, we have been finding quite a few dead bees...around the swimming the kitchen...and in the garden! My children have even commented on how strange it is! Today as I approached my easel in the studio this little bee lay on the floor at the base of my easel. The dying bees are a mystery....and this little chap looked like he lay waiting at my easel for a reason.... and so I began my daily memory of a bee!

Day 4 of the JANUARY SALE. Click on the highlighted writing below to view available daily paintings. If you are living in South Africa please message me for the price in ZAR and to make use of the free postage in SA which I am offering for the duration of the sale.

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


Garlic cloves #120

Daily painting #120. 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

We have had a busy week and another busy week is on the horizon so today was a 'stay-at-home-relax-family' kind of day! My best! Relaxing at home on a Sunday usually means we will braai (barbecue) husband loves to stoke up that fire and cook over the hot coals! Today instead, we decided to make a traditional South African meal called a potjie. Potjie directly translated in Afrikaans means little pot. So essentially it is a type of stew (there are millions of varieties) cooked in a traditional African black pot over hot coals. The pot gives the meal a distinctive taste and the coals add a subtle smokiness. So while my husband gathered, chopped and peeled the ingredients I sat keeping him company and painting one of the ingredients. I am amazed at the huge variety of colours in garlic....beautiful subtle tones! My husband did at one stage glance over my shoulder and question what the 3 blobs on the canvas were....but a beady glance kept him quiet thereafter! He redeemed himself by cooking up the most delicious meal.....!

There are only a few more days left of the 30/30 challenge and today marks 120 paintings in 120 days for me! By the time this post goes live it will also be day 3 of my JANUARY SALE! All prices displayed in my online store have been discounted ...some of them by as much as 50% so be sure to not miss out if you have had your eye on a little painting! Please contact me if you have any questions on To view available daily paintings in the store gallery click the blue highlighted writing below....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


Orchid detail #119

Daily painting #119  6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

The orchids on my verandah are about the only flowers that are not wilting and dying after only a few days in the heat we are experiencing at the moment. Flowers in a vase are drooping after just a day or two! This heat just saps your energy....thank goodness for swimming pools to cool off!

Today is day 2 of the January SALE ....yesterday the sale got off to a great start! So if you haven't had a chance to look ....there are some real bargains! It's time to make way for some new daily paintings! All prices displayed in the shop are the discounted prices. Prices are displayed in $ if you live in South Africa please contact me for the price in ZAR (South African Rands) and to receive FREE POSTAGE which I am offering for the duration of the sale! Email me at The sale ends 31 Jan at 12 pm SA time.
View the gallery of available paintings by clicking on the highlighted writing below or by going to

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


Three Prunes #118

Daily painting #118  4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

I can't say I am a huge fan of prunes in the shrivelled variety you buy in the dried fruit section...but these little fresh gems were delicious and sweet!

All prices displayed in the online store are the sale prices. Some little paintings have been marked down by as much as 50% and there are one or two EVEN BIGGER bargains to be have a good look! It's time to make way for new daily paintings!
All prices are displayed in $ as it is the most easily recognized currency but if you live in South Africa, please contact me for the price in ZAR (South African Rands). I am also offering free postage  within South Africa! Contact me on
I hope your favorite little painting is still waiting for you....and at a good click on the highlighted writing below to take a look at the SALE! Happy shopping!
Sale ends 12pm on Friday 31 January!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click highlighted writing to view gallery of available work)


Christine's protea #117

Daily painting #117. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel. SOLD

One of my students wanted to paint a protea today! Now I would normally have one sitting in a jar or vase or antique jug somewhere in my house and I could easily have brought it into my teaching studio for her to paint...but today I didn't! Isn't it funny how things work out like that? So when I walked past my favorite florist this afternoon on my way to the shops the bucket of proteas perched in the doorway caught my attention immediately! Naturally I had to buy at least one ....unfortunately it is too late for our lesson this morning, but it made its way into my studio instead! So this one is Christine's protea....maybe she can paint it another day!

It's January SALE time!! All paintings displayed in my online store will go on sale for the last week of January. The sale will begin Sat 25 Jan and end 12pm (SA time) Fri 31st Jan.  It's easy....browse my online store and choose your favorite....then watch out on Sat to see the sale price displayed....maybe you too can receive a painting in the post!
(All store prices are displayed in $ but South African buyers are welcome to message me privately for the price converted to ZAR-South African Rands)

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available paintings)


Late afternoon calm #116

Daily painting #116. 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

Today has been a busy, hot and just downright hectic day! By this afternoon I desperately needed some 'time out' but was still so busy with my children. I think my car has gulped petrol (gas/fuel) down as quickly as I have been gulping water down today, with all the time I spent in the car! By late afternoon when I finally arrived home I found a quiet place on my upstairs verandah and enjoyed the calm and peace.... I painted the late afternoon sky but today was not about the painting! It was more about doing something that restores that inner peace! Sometimes we just have to stop and 'smell the roses' or in my case 'observe the changing sky'.....we all need a little 'time out' every now and again!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available paintings)


Old friends #115


Daily painting #115. 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel  SOLD

It is so good to have all the ladies arriving back at the studio for classes! Not only is it great to discuss new projects with them, it is also lovely to hear everyones news from the catching up with good friends! Many of the paintbrushes haven't been pulled out of the bag since our last class (oh dear!!!)....but it won't be long before they too are feeling like old friends!
It's time to get those brushes to work again....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click highlighted writing to see gallery of available paintings)


Orange and red #114

Daily painting #114. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

A 21st is something to celebrate....or does that only apply to birthdays? Either way....I am celebrating! I am 21 days into the 30/30 challenge and to date have painted 114 paintings in 114 days.  Studio classes have begun again, my children are off to a happy but busy start to the school year and I am managing to still find the time to complete a daily painting....not to mention doing other work too!
Life is busy, but good....and let's face it....a good celebration (or feeling gratitude) is always good for the soul! What can you think of that you could celebrate(or be grateful for) today?

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view full gallery of available paintings)


Cherries #113

Daily painting #113. 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

Cherries are getting harder and harder to find in the shops now, so I was so excited to find some today! Sadly though, they did not have the same sweetness as the cherries which came out at the end of last year. These were bitter, a bit hard and not nearly as juicy.... sadly! At least they can be put to good use in the studio.....they were the perfect models!

Day 20 of the 30/30 challenge....only 10 days to go....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view full gallery of available work)


Rose study No.2

Daily painting #112. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas board SOLD

I have a large rose painting I am supposed to complete for someone and I have been procrastinating about getting it started....don't ask me why ....I start a new painting every day!!!! So today I set myself a do a rose study for my daily painting to get my eye in and to get me into the mood for roses....and then begin the larger one! So here is the little rose study....and the larger painting is nearly complete too....just a bit more work! A good days 'work''s amazing what you can do when you set your mind to it!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


Uprooted #111

Daily painting #111. 8"x10 oil on stretched canvas

The KZNSA gallery is having its members exhibition from 21 January to 16 February. The theme for the exhibition is Grass Roots. Today's daily painting "Uprooted" will be submitted for the exhibition.  "Uprooted" by definition suggests remove or tear away from a native place or displace, as from a home or country; tear away, as from customs or a way of life....
Rather a melancholic take on the theme, but having said goodbye to so many friends and family who have moved abroad, the theme once explored, evoked a very real emotion....

 This painting will not be available for purchase on my online store. Anyone interested in purchasing the painting should contact the KZNSA gallery directly. And just for the record grass in the garden will no longer need a trim....I just about pulled out (what felt like) every blade of grass in my front garden to try find one with a root interesting enough to paint!!!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available paintings)


Morning glow #110

Daily painting #110. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

Today was one of those busy days when so much was happening that if I didn't spend some quiet time doing a little painting before the rush began, today might have been the day I did not do a little daily painting! Kids are back at school, so we are off to an early start anyway...but for me that moment of quiet before the rest of the house wakes is like soul food ....I relish that time of day! I can never get tired of the rush of excitement at capturing, quickly and immediately, the light as it changes in the early morning!
So this is how my day began....the peace (and soul food) before the madness of a busy day!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view full gallery of available work)


Granny Smith apples #109

Daily painting #109. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

Two Grannies huddle together, in the shadows on the shelf catch up on market gossip....

(In case you are wondering who or where the grannies are....Granny Smith is a variety of green apple sold here in South Africa. It is crisp and tart in flavour)

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available work)


Back to school #108

Daily painting #108. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel. SOLD

Back to school....aaarrrggghhh!!!!! The holidays seemed to have flown by so quickly and now my children are about to start the 2014 school year! I am excited for them but I do love holiday time (who doesn't)! I have spent the last few days organizing stationery and covering books. In South Africa in both public and private schools, our children are required to wear school uniforms and so I have also been making sure uniforms fit and that nothing is lost, missing or needs replacing. Fortunately all that needed replacing was my daughters school shoes. 'Bata Toughees' is the brand name for the school shoes....and 'toughees' they are! They have not changed one bit from when I was at school...they are imitation black leather, hard soled shoes with a cross bar and buckle....and they are uncomfortable....especially when they are new! The first week of school you walk around like you have planks on your feet, they don't bend, they feel heavy (and hot in our weather) and give you blisters at the back and rub your toes even though you are wearing socks! Shoes AND socks in the heat of summer....crazy!!! Isn't starting school after a fun holiday punishment enough? The dreaded black school shoes....they bring back lots of memories!

Day 15 of the 30/30 challenge....half way there!!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to see full gallery of available work)


Rose study #107

Daily painting #107. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

Today we were shown a bit of grace with slightly cooler temperatures which made sitting in the studio to paint far more bearable! Too late for this rose though....although the bloom still had a few more days life in it...the stem was so limp, it couldn't hold up the weight of the flower any longer! I took the single rose into my studio and made a few quick studies of it. Next week classes begin again and it will be a matter of time before someone needs assistance with capturing the essence of a rose. Painting roses is something that needs practice....there is no is all in the looking...finding the tones and values and using your brush to find the shape. The trick is to not overwork the rose too much (I still struggle with this) and being confident with the mark you make....
I think no matter how many roses I paint....I will always remain a student ....always learning...always struggling to keep fresh marks and pushing myself to improve ...but that is the beauty of art!
 Even as a teacher ....I am always a learner too!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to see full gallery of available paintings)


Hot like chillies #106

Daily painting #106. 5"x7". Oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

Two red hot chillies embrace.....

Hot hot hot.....heat of a different kind....inescapable, humid, sweaty, unbearable, heat!
Welcome to Durban at the moment! The rainy spell we had a month or so ago is really causing havoc with the humidity levels, which can add a couple (more than a couple) of degrees onto an already unbearable temperature! Some parts of the world are freezing over and we are sweltering, melting, dehydrating!! Bizarre weather or global warming dealing its punishment....?
A few days ago I shared this photo with some friends.....

.....and this candlestick doesn't stand in the sun! The drooping candles are a result of the room temperature!!!!!

You know it's hot when even the candles can't cope......

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to see full gallery of available work)


Early protea #105

Daily painting #105. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

After my late night last night, I was in my studio early this morning....before the day ran away with me again! Dirty paintbrushes had been abandoned in jars of turps and the proteas were still posing on the table next to my easel.....SO ....another view of the proteas...from a different angle (placed into the shadow of my still life 'stage')....painted at a much more sane time of day!

Day 12 of the 30/30 challenge done and dusted (before midnight this time!)

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on highlighted writing to view full gallery of available work)


Midnight protea #104

Daily painting #104. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

I thought I would paint something typically South African today ....I seem to be the only South African artist doing the 30/30 challenge.....I think....! So of course I chose my favorite flower to paint....the protea! The protea is our National flower and there are 100's of varieties ....I could never get bored painting them! They are not so easy to find at the moment as they are out of season and the price for just one stem has nearly doubled....but fortunately they are so striking in texture, colour and form that  just one protea in a vase looks just perfect too! 
My protea sat on the kitchen table waiting to be taken up to the studio to beckoned to me...teased me....and by late afternoon was tormenting me....but somehow today was just too busy, the hours rolled into one another, my children had friends over to sleep and before I new it was close on 10pm and I hadn't made it into my studio yet!!!!
Well I have to admit to dragging myself into the studio, once everyone was finally asleep.....I thought that perhaps today might be the day I just don't do a painting....BUT....I got started....and soon I was hooked....the sudden quiet of the house was a welcome pleasure....and my tiredness melted away as I relaxed into my favorite space (physically and mentally). It is midnight ...and now I am wide awake, but I painted the protea....and I am so happy I did!
The joys of painting daily! 

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on highlighted writing to view full gallery of available paintings)


Plum and cardamom jam #103

Daily painting #103. 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

I found a glass jar of organic Plum and Cardamom jam (jelly) made at a little organic farm up in the KwaZuluNatal midlands and thought it sounded rather unusual and delicious! I also love supporting local producers so I had to buy some! Granted cardamom is something I would associate with a curry rather than a jam, but I know it is a spice used in many Indian desserts or sweet dishes and so the combinations of the spice with the plums sounded delicious....AND IT IS....but not according to my family who have, to my dismay, judged the jam before even tasting it! An even greater dilemma is that I simply cannot finish off the entire bottle on my own (I could quite EASILY do so!!!!!)  and so I decided to share a great big dollop of it with you.....

10 days into the 30/30 challenge....a third of the way there!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing)


Baby Aubergines No.2 #102

Daily painting #102. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

I promise not to bore you with more aubergines after today, but this is the other little baby variety we found at the market yesterday (about the size of a small pebble). I have actually seen these ones before but not the long finger-like variety I painted yesterday. I would think baby aubergines (also known as eggplants) could be really bitter, however a friendly lady who was scooping handfuls of these into a bag yesterday, told me how she cooked them up....diced with onion, garlic and a variety of Indian spices and served with a yogurt dressing on the side. She is vegetarian and sounded like she was passionate about cooking! The longer variety I painted yesterday are apparently delicious used in a pickle (pickle meaning a type of relish eaten with a meal) . After sharing her culinary secrets and seeing my obvious interest in the aubergines she asked what I intended to cook....well I had to be honest and confess to picking out the nicest looking ones to paint! The poor lady looked at me in shock.....let out a giggle of disbelief and continued her shopping! No worries....sometimes I think I am a little crazy too...but it's the little bit of crazy that keeps me sane!!!! 
I do however intend to not let these little gems go to waste and I will give the Spicy Indian Aubergines (my own version thereof) a try....

Are you following the 30/30 challenge? See all the paintings (including mine) here.

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


Baby Aubergine #101

Daily painting #101. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

One of the joys of returning from holidays is that there is no food in the house and loads of dirty clothes! So yesterday was spent doing laundry and buying groceries at our local shop and the market! The laundry and the grocery shop...I can do without! But I love going to the local fruit and veggie market! The colours, textures and smells are so appealing to the gets both my painting and my culinary creative juices flowing! We have a large Indian community in Durban and no store is without a section which caters for Indian cuisine  for example spices and unusual produce some of which I can't even pronounce the names of! I love Indian cuisine and love experimenting with the spices and flavours and often look at some of the produce and wonder what it is used for. The kids and I were looking at some of the produce yesterday and found a variety of little baby aubergines (also known as eggplant). I am familiar with large aubergines which I often cook with but was intrigued with these little varieties....all different shades and shapes! So of course I had to buy one or two to paint!

I have been so focused on counting down to 100 paintings in 100 days that I haven't told you about the 30 in 30 challenge! I have joined about 400 artists who have committed to completing 30 paintings in 30 days starting on the 1 Jan and running through to the end of the month. I have been painting daily anyway so I thought it would be a good reason to keep me going. Most of the artists seem to be from all over America and I thought it would be a great way to connect with other artists doing daily paintings! I am loving seeing everyone's work and the huge today I am 8 days into the challenge....22 to go....  Take a look at the Day 8 collection!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


Last day at Pumula #100

Daily painting #100!!!! 8"x10" oil on primed canvas panel

100 paintings in 100 days!!!! YIPPEE!!! I can't believe I have had the discipline to get to 100 paintings in as many days....and over the festive season! Well it just goes to prove that mothers are always mum always says you can do anything if you set your mind to it....and right she is!!! Thanks for all the comments and kind words along the way and a HUGE thank you to those of you who have purchased my little daily paintings! They have travelled to England, Scotland, America, Australia and all over South Africa....some of you being in possession of as many as 5 from the collection! Thank you to all of you for the support! I will continue to paint my little daily has become so much a part of my daily far will I go....who knows!!!! But painting is what I love to do I hope you will continue to join me on my journey of constant discovery ....

Today I worked on a larger format than normal....and this will be the last in my sea/sky scape holiday paintings....sadly holidays come to an end, but I do still have a few more days at home with my children before the new school year begins. I always feel heavy hearted leaving Pumula, but we leave knowing we will always be back and once you are home...well...there just is no place like home!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art  (click on the highlighted writing)


First light on Umzumbe beach #99

Daily painting #99 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

We have had the most glorious weather for our holiday....summer at its best! But while I am gushing about summer, sun, beautiful beaches and fabulous cousin in Chicago is experiencing blizzard conditions and -35C temperatures....I can't even begin to comprehend that .....
I think I am even more grateful for our warm South African climate when I read that! I hope the harsh conditions are over soon....
Only a day away from reaching 100 paintings in 100 days.....YIPPEE!!!!! So the big question is....Would you like to continue seeing little daily paintings? I would love to hear from you....please leave a comment if you have been following my project...I would love to meet some of the folks that have been following my blog....thank you!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


Umzumbe beach #98

Daily painting #98. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

Sun...beach...delicious food....lazy afternoons....heaven on earth!!! Family holidays are my best! And just to top it off I am 2 days away from painting 100 little paintings in 100 days....WOW! I can't believe it! 

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


Pumula - A room with a view #97

Daily painting # 97. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel 

Pumula Beach Hotel which is down the south coast from Durban, in South Africa, is one of our favourite summer holiday spots and we have been coming here every year (sometimes more than once  a year) since before Andrew and I were even married....our children have grown up here! It is nestled along a secluded beach called Umzumbe beach and the word 'Pumula' is a *Zulu word meaning 'to rest'.
 Every January we stay in the same room....No. 48. It has without a doubt the best view of the coastline and after settling in, enjoying a leisurely lunch and soaking up the sheer joy of being back at a place we call 'home away from home', I finally made it onto the verandah of No.48 to paint the late afternoon view. The heat had subsided and there was a cool breeze. The brightness earlier in the day which made both sea and sky look cerulean and cobalt, had softened into more gentle and subtle tones ....and I was feeling relaxed and content...who wouldn't staring out over the Indian Ocean at this view....

*Zulu is one of our official languages in South Africa but is native to KwaZulu Natal, a province situated along the east coast of South Africa.....the province in which I live.

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


Birthday cupcake #96

Daily painting #96.  6"x6". Oil on primed canvas panel

When this post goes live on the will be early morning in South Africa but not quite the 3 January yet in Chicago. So it may be a little early to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to Candice in Chicago for the 3 January! Candice is the closest I will ever get to having a sister, we are actually cousins but both only children and grew up very close! It is also thanks to Candice that I now share my daily painting with you all! We have been quite a team working together to set Paintings in the post up between 2 continents and time zones! So while I sadly am not there to celebrate with you....I am there in spirit....we enjoyed a little Red Velvet cupcake from our local bakery on your behalf (after it had been painted) HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you....from all of us here in South Africa!

Only 4 more days to reach 100 paintings in 100 days!! Please share my posts with friends and encourage others to me celebrate reaching 100 paintings in 100 days ....I would love to share my story with others and hopefully inspire some....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


Mustard #95

Daily painting #95. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel. SOLD

New Year's Day is always spent having lunch at Granny's house (my Mum).....the last feast of the festive season! Families are always drawn together over food....and every celebration in every religion is celebrated in some way over the sharing of food....traditional favourites! In our family we have so many meals and favourites that have evolved into our own versions of traditional recipes. Yesterday my mum asked me to bring the mustard sauce....
The mustard sauce is one of those elusive recipes from my mother in law....she has shared the ingredients but is always vague about the actual recipe so I have developed my own version of it....same ingredients ....probably different measurements ....but it tastes just as good! 
So while the sauce was simmering, I got my 2014 daily painting off to a start....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art