

First light on Umzumbe beach #99

Daily painting #99 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

We have had the most glorious weather for our holiday....summer at its best! But while I am gushing about summer, sun, beautiful beaches and fabulous cousin in Chicago is experiencing blizzard conditions and -35C temperatures....I can't even begin to comprehend that .....
I think I am even more grateful for our warm South African climate when I read that! I hope the harsh conditions are over soon....
Only a day away from reaching 100 paintings in 100 days.....YIPPEE!!!!! So the big question is....Would you like to continue seeing little daily paintings? I would love to hear from you....please leave a comment if you have been following my project...I would love to meet some of the folks that have been following my blog....thank you!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


  1. Heidi I have so loved getting your daily emails, and seeing your facebook posts - I have been away for 3 weeks, but have spent a lovely afternoon catching up reading your blog, and admiring your paintings. I love your project and marvel at your talent and the way you have stuck to your guns! 100 paintings in 100 days is no mean feat and I'm sure you can do 365 in as many days :) Best wishes for a fabulous 2014 x Cindy Lees

    1. Thank you Cindy!!!! So glad you are enjoying the posts....and thanks for the feedback! 365 paintings in 365 that would be a challenge....I would have 265 days still to go...shew!!!! I never thought I would reach 100 but have made let's see how far I can go....! Best wishes to you for a fabulous 2014 too! Huge thanks x Heidi

  2. Lovely colors and peaceful mood :)

    1. Thank you Tammie for taking the time to look and leave a comment....I think it is peaceful too. So glad you like it! Thanks x Heidi
