

Orange and red #114

Daily painting #114. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

A 21st is something to celebrate....or does that only apply to birthdays? Either way....I am celebrating! I am 21 days into the 30/30 challenge and to date have painted 114 paintings in 114 days.  Studio classes have begun again, my children are off to a happy but busy start to the school year and I am managing to still find the time to complete a daily painting....not to mention doing other work too!
Life is busy, but good....and let's face it....a good celebration (or feeling gratitude) is always good for the soul! What can you think of that you could celebrate(or be grateful for) today?

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view full gallery of available paintings)


  1. Great job. 114 days! I'm impressed.

    1. Thanks....I can't believe I have this far either.....
