

Orchid detail #119

Daily painting #119  6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

The orchids on my verandah are about the only flowers that are not wilting and dying after only a few days in the heat we are experiencing at the moment. Flowers in a vase are drooping after just a day or two! This heat just saps your energy....thank goodness for swimming pools to cool off!

Today is day 2 of the January SALE ....yesterday the sale got off to a great start! So if you haven't had a chance to look ....there are some real bargains! It's time to make way for some new daily paintings! All prices displayed in the shop are the discounted prices. Prices are displayed in $ if you live in South Africa please contact me for the price in ZAR (South African Rands) and to receive FREE POSTAGE which I am offering for the duration of the sale! Email me at The sale ends 31 Jan at 12 pm SA time.
View the gallery of available paintings by clicking on the highlighted writing below or by going to

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


  1. Heidi, I am enjoying your January paintings! I too, am doing the 30 in 30 challenge. I just had to comment on this completely drew me in...I LOVE the detail work, and the colors you used. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much Roberta! I think what I am enjoying the most about the challenge is connecting with so many other thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I love the beautiful vibrant colors you use in your reminds me so much of a Matisse palette! Thanks ....and hope you visit paintings in the post again!
