

Little dish and blueberries #122

Daily painting #122. 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

This little painting was just simply a struggle today! Yes i do have those days too! There are a few things I might have done differently coupled with the fact that I was tired (late night last night) and I was probably forcing myself to work quicker. I had a bit of time pressure because I had to take my son to a swimming gala this evening and didn't want to still be painting later in the evening.....yes it was one of those crazy days! Too busy and not enough time! I did end up back in my studio this evening because some of the tones where worrying me. All things taken into account the painting didn't turn out too badly and I am relieved I resisted the temptation to just wipe the entire painting off was a struggle but here is #122....

It's the second to last day of the Leslie Saeta 30/30 challenge....I am almost there...and...
Only 3 days left of the JANUARY SALE!!!!! Be sure to check the gallery of available work. For queries on prices in ZAR (South African Rands) and to claim free postage in SA(for the duration of the sale)  email me on

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available work)

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