

Baby Aubergines No.2 #102

Daily painting #102. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

I promise not to bore you with more aubergines after today, but this is the other little baby variety we found at the market yesterday (about the size of a small pebble). I have actually seen these ones before but not the long finger-like variety I painted yesterday. I would think baby aubergines (also known as eggplants) could be really bitter, however a friendly lady who was scooping handfuls of these into a bag yesterday, told me how she cooked them up....diced with onion, garlic and a variety of Indian spices and served with a yogurt dressing on the side. She is vegetarian and sounded like she was passionate about cooking! The longer variety I painted yesterday are apparently delicious used in a pickle (pickle meaning a type of relish eaten with a meal) . After sharing her culinary secrets and seeing my obvious interest in the aubergines she asked what I intended to cook....well I had to be honest and confess to picking out the nicest looking ones to paint! The poor lady looked at me in shock.....let out a giggle of disbelief and continued her shopping! No worries....sometimes I think I am a little crazy too...but it's the little bit of crazy that keeps me sane!!!! 
I do however intend to not let these little gems go to waste and I will give the Spicy Indian Aubergines (my own version thereof) a try....

Are you following the 30/30 challenge? See all the paintings (including mine) here.

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


  1. I love this!! Your food paintings are my favorites!!

    1. Thanks Cynthia....I really enjoyed working with the deep colours in these Aubergine paintings and I must say I love painting food too...and eating it....which at times can be a bit problematic (especially for the waistline) . I love being able to combine 2 things I feel passionate about ....painting and cooking are very similar in many ways to me!

  2. Both of your eggplant paintings are beautiful! Happy I found your blog.

    1. Welcome Linda....I am happy you found it too, thanks for taking the time to look and I am delighted you like the eggplant paintings....I really enjoyed painting them both! I look forward to sharing more paintings with you...
