

Baby Aubergine #101

Daily painting #101. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

One of the joys of returning from holidays is that there is no food in the house and loads of dirty clothes! So yesterday was spent doing laundry and buying groceries at our local shop and the market! The laundry and the grocery shop...I can do without! But I love going to the local fruit and veggie market! The colours, textures and smells are so appealing to the gets both my painting and my culinary creative juices flowing! We have a large Indian community in Durban and no store is without a section which caters for Indian cuisine  for example spices and unusual produce some of which I can't even pronounce the names of! I love Indian cuisine and love experimenting with the spices and flavours and often look at some of the produce and wonder what it is used for. The kids and I were looking at some of the produce yesterday and found a variety of little baby aubergines (also known as eggplant). I am familiar with large aubergines which I often cook with but was intrigued with these little varieties....all different shades and shapes! So of course I had to buy one or two to paint!

I have been so focused on counting down to 100 paintings in 100 days that I haven't told you about the 30 in 30 challenge! I have joined about 400 artists who have committed to completing 30 paintings in 30 days starting on the 1 Jan and running through to the end of the month. I have been painting daily anyway so I thought it would be a good reason to keep me going. Most of the artists seem to be from all over America and I thought it would be a great way to connect with other artists doing daily paintings! I am loving seeing everyone's work and the huge today I am 8 days into the challenge....22 to go....  Take a look at the Day 8 collection!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


  1. Heidi, you are a machine! Love following your daily posts and am keeping an eye out for my next purchase!! ;-)

    1. Ooooo....that's exciting to know....thanks!! This 'machine' ( made me giggle) is delighted to know you are still enjoying the daily paintings and posts!
      Thanks so much for letting me know.....sometimes I write away thinking ...."who on earth wants to listen to my nonsense?" But I hope it adds to the interest of the painting to know how my daily painting made it to my canvas....
