

In memory of a bee #121

Daily painting #121  6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

I am not a lover of  creepy crawlies and flying noo-noos (insects), especially that mosquito that was buzzing persistently around my ear in the early hours of the morning!! But I have to admit to finding bees fascinating and hate it when I see someone squishing them. Granted neither I or my children are allergic to bee stings and thank goodness for that because living on the border of a public park which is densely populated with trees means lots of bees! There are definitely one or two hives close by! But lately, sadly, we have been finding quite a few dead bees...around the swimming the kitchen...and in the garden! My children have even commented on how strange it is! Today as I approached my easel in the studio this little bee lay on the floor at the base of my easel. The dying bees are a mystery....and this little chap looked like he lay waiting at my easel for a reason.... and so I began my daily memory of a bee!

Day 4 of the JANUARY SALE. Click on the highlighted writing below to view available daily paintings. If you are living in South Africa please message me for the price in ZAR and to make use of the free postage in SA which I am offering for the duration of the sale.

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


  1. Wow! This is great- very refreshing. So glad I noticed your little bee! I like a lot of your paintings very much.

    1. Thank you Sally...I am glad you noticed my little bee too! I hope you visit Paintings in the post again soon! Thanks!
