

Birthday cupcake #96

Daily painting #96.  6"x6". Oil on primed canvas panel

When this post goes live on the will be early morning in South Africa but not quite the 3 January yet in Chicago. So it may be a little early to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to Candice in Chicago for the 3 January! Candice is the closest I will ever get to having a sister, we are actually cousins but both only children and grew up very close! It is also thanks to Candice that I now share my daily painting with you all! We have been quite a team working together to set Paintings in the post up between 2 continents and time zones! So while I sadly am not there to celebrate with you....I am there in spirit....we enjoyed a little Red Velvet cupcake from our local bakery on your behalf (after it had been painted) HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you....from all of us here in South Africa!

Only 4 more days to reach 100 paintings in 100 days!! Please share my posts with friends and encourage others to me celebrate reaching 100 paintings in 100 days ....I would love to share my story with others and hopefully inspire some....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


  1. The frosting looks very realistic and the texture is very impasto. Impressive work.
