

I've got my eyes on you...#397

Daily painting #397 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

For those of you familiar with Paintings in the post, you will know that while I have such gratitude for the possibilities that internet communication provides, I also have a deep sense of respect and need for the tangible. Give me a book rather than my kindle any day and while I would not survive without email and internet, I have a passion for the good old snail mail communication. My love of receiving something tangible in the post is what sparked Paintings in the post! So I could not exhibit my little paintings without recognition for the documentation of my journey, that is the little bit of writing that accompanies each painting each day on the blog. Now you will also know that in starting this project I had a greater fear of sharing my words than my paintings, but I have learnt to shelve that fear and share regardless! My spelling and grammar at times would probably leave my old English teachers spinning but I share what I have to say anyway and the delete button is my best friend!! In a nut shell ....I am a painter...not a writer! But I have taken all the writing from the blog and created something tangible...a true record of my journey...and hopefully something that one day my family will keep as a record of me! A celebration of 365 days of painting and writing, in a book! It is on the exhibition but I can't wait to grab my reading glasses and revisit my days, jog my memory and reflect on my year of painting...

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(The Paintings in the post online store will be closed until the end of the exhibition. It will be reopened after the 14th November)

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea. I have already started collating my project 365 images into a photo book, although never thought to add the words!
