

Halloween pumpkin #398

Daily painting #398. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

Our typical South African variety of pumpkin is a hard blue white skinned pumpkin that takes enormous muscle power and a butchers knife to cut open. It certainly would be a hardy task to carve any fancy Halloween pumpkin heads from this variety. Suddenly as Halloween approaches the American orange pumpkin variety starts showing up in every store. Halloween is not celebrated in South Africa with as much gusto as America and for safety reasons there is not a chance that my children would wonder the streets at night trick or treating! So Halloween tends to be a good excuse to get together for a fun dress up party at someones house rather than the door to door trick or treating we are familiar with from the movies! I have been amazed at all the images of carved pumpkins circulating the net...there are some clever people out there! My sculpting skills leave much to be desired and I think I should stick to painting! The closest I came to carving any pumpkin was working up some muscle power cutting slices of this delicious pumpkin for supper....I roasted the giant slices (these pumpkins are big)  in some olive oil, herbs and a dash of chilli flakes....they were delicious!!!
I hope wherever you are that you had a happy Halloween or if you weren't celebrating that you had a happy Friday evening....I love the start of the weekend! I get to spend it with these special people photographed with me at the opening of my exhibition awesome family!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(The online store will be closed until the end of the Paintings in the post exhibition and will reopen after the 14th November)

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