

Wild berry #396

Daily painting #396. 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

A little soft, delicate wild berry. On reflection while painting this, I realized this little painting is a reflection of how I am feeling at the moment. I am quite emotional and feeling a little's been an exhausting week hanging so many little paintings but more than that I think I have felt quite emotional seeing them all go up together in one space. I feel like I have exposed a rather private and intimate space. Each little painting sparks a memory, it is a document of my days, my journey, something seemingly ordinary yet intimate...
I am looking forward to sharing my journey with others and if I can inspire just one person to paint more, or do something they didn't think they could, then I will be happy!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(The Paintings in the post online store will be closed until 14th November when the exhibition will then reopen as normal)

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