

Strike a match #634

Daily painting #634 5"x5" oil on primed canvas panel

In my kitchen my oven is electric and my stove top is gas. My oven has needed an element clearly overdid the whole 'cooking thing' over the festive season. My oven's electrics have been switched off at the main electric box so I can only cook on my gas top until a technician comes to do the repairs. So by the end of cooking supper my kitchen counter is littered with used matches because with no electrics we are back to striking a match to gas to cook!
Never a dull moment in a house ...always something needing fixing!

25% off on checkout in my online store until the end of the first week in on the link below to view daily paintings.
Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


  1. Wonderful. I was expecting some philosophical explanation, but loved that it is a practical one!

    1. Thank you Nancy. If I had to think too much about what I paint or why I paint it, I would never get around to daily painting...thinking too much can sometimes be my worst its all about the real, the everyday, the mundane and the ordinary here! Thanks for stopping by...hope you visit again soon x
