

Same bunch #633

Daily painting #633 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

This is the same bunch of wilting roses I painted from yesterday. It is a bunch given to me shortly before we left to go away. They were tight buds but it is SO incredibly hot in Durban at the moment that the poor roses don't stand a chance and are already wilting and drooping....pretty much the same as I feel! We have arrived home to dry brown grass, a sorry, sad herb garden and an extremely thirsty heat scorched garden. Humans and furry babies alike are lolling around trying to find shade, a breeze and maybe some respite from the heat! We desperately need some rain, we are already on water restrictions and the weather forecast shows nothing but sunshine! Is it ever going to rain....? Please....

25% off on checkout in my Tictail online store until the end of January so click the link below to view available daily paintings.

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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