

Two plums two raspberries #539

Daily painting #539 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel 

I joined the South Coast Art Group at their monthly meeting today to speak about Paintings in the post and do a painting demonstration for them. It is always heartwarming to see a group of people coming together to share their passions and their knowledge. What I had to share was less about fancy painting techniques or trying to teach them something new and more about sharing my passion. I wanted to tell them that it doesn't matter what stage of your art career you are at, there is always that element of self doubt that one has to face when starting a new painting. Even the most accomplished artists should feel a struggle at some point and have to push through and this is what makes you constantly grow as an artist. Painting should be less about 'getting it right' and more about painting because it's what you love to do! The relationship you have with that paint and the connection you feel when you are moving it around on the canvas should be your focus. 'Getting it right' should never be your goal....if we only do that which we think we can get 'right' we would never do! Daily painting has taught me so much about being comfortable with making mistakes....being comfortable with the times when images just don't work and most importantly it has taught me to dig deep and triumph when the creature of self doubt sits on your shoulder! While I had no exciting materials or new techniques to share (what I do is really quite traditional)  I hope I inspired just a few to go home and paint....for no reason other than the joy it gives them!
Thank you South Coast Art Group for inviting me to join you. Today I share my demonstration painting. Just for the record the creature of self doubt really taps on your shoulder when you volunteer to start and complete a daily painting in front of an audience of people you don't know, talking while you paint (which I never do I am normally SO focused) but I think I did it! We all can if only we try.....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily painting and for all purchase details)

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