

Afternoon light changing #538

Daily painting #538 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel 

A beautiful evening, although I spent the evening in agony with my foot up and unable to move! Rushing around the house this morning getting ready to teach, I slipped on a Persian carpet (don't ask me how!!!) and felt my ankle crunch! I sat weeping in a bundle on the floor calling my husband on my mobile, which was still in my hand, to come and help me! Fortunately he knew exactly what to do and sprayed it with some awful smelling spray that sportsman use on injuries (thank goodness I am not a sportsman if I can do such damage on a carpet of all things!) and strapped it up in a brace. He wanted to take me to have it x-rayed but I was determined to get to my Grade 7 class that I was teaching at a local girls school as it would be the last time I see them before the Easter holidays. I knew they were eagerly awaiting their results from an Art theory paper they have just written for me. So I hauled myself off to school hobbling along with my ankle all strapped up and remained seated throughout my class....surviving on serious pain medication and all the TLC from the girls! I must admit a few did look at me sideways when I told them I had hurt myself slipping on a carpet, now they really think their art teacher is a nutter! What a disaster! Anyway, I have just pulled ligaments and seriously bruised the area and thank goodness nothing was broken. But I am so frustrated not being as mobile and active (manic running around is probably the correct phrase) as I normally am. Tomorrow I am driving down the South Coast to speak about Paintings in the post and do a painting demonstration for the South Coast Art group. I really have no time for sore ankles....darn it!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details )

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