

Hippo #442

Daily painting #442 pen, ink and watercolour postcard for the postcard art group NFS

Our last day heart feels sore but my head is full of wonderful memories, my soul tank brimming and my camera loaded with amazing images and memories! We couldn't have asked for better game viewing on our last day. A leopard walking in front of us and jumping into a tree a couple of meters from our car with breakfast, a buck she had killed. We had 3 hunting female lion walk out of the grass and plonk themselves on the ground around our car. They sniffed the air, checked the entire area of bush around our car and then slowly stalked their way into the grass again....we were absolutely captivated watching them! We watched baby elephant clambering after their mum, so young that their 'little' legs seemed uncoordinated and their trunks dangled awkwardly ...their clumsy manner and playfulness was delightful! We have been treated beyond measure this week and nature has shared generously with us! I hope you have enjoyed reading a bit about our trip and I am delighted I am going home with some little postcards to share with the postcard art group! I hope you have enjoyed seeing them! I have to admit that I am itching to squeeze out my oil paints...I have missed them but it has been good to have a change in my daily routine and my beautiful studio at home, while I will be happy to see it, will be comparatively rather boring!
The last animal we saw this evening as we crossed the Crocodile River to head home to a quick supper and some packing up, was one single hippo wallowing in the cool a little hippo postcard to end the week off....goodbyes are always sad so Kruger and the Crocodile River...'till next time.....thank you for your generous hospitality! X

It is going to take me a few days to download and edit all my photos so 2 pics taken by my husband with his phone camera..

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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