

Christmas at the Shedlocks #443

Daily painting #443 pen, ink and watercolour postcard for the postcard art group NFS

My postcards came in a pack of 8 and I had used 7 it seems a bit of a waste to not use them all up. Besides that after a whole day on the road traveling home and unpacking I really didn't have much energy for a daily painting there ALMOST wasn't one today! I have arrived home to the sudden reality that Christmas is in exactly 10 days time and I have not one decoration up let alone a Christmas tree yet....and normally almost every room in the house is decorated....I love Christmas! So first on my list of priorities is to get some Christmas cheer in the house. Off to get a tree tomorrow and pull out all the lovely things that make home feel like Christmas every year! If you have mailed me or messaged me while I was away I promise to get back to you soon. With a weak internet connection in the bush (it is lovely to be back to my wifi connection) I didn't really look at messages ...and besides I was supposed to be on holiday, however sharing a daily painting which has become a part of life rather than feeling like work is about as much as I would allow myself to do. But I promise to tackle those emails and messages soon....but first it's time to full my house with Christmas cheer! It is always good to be home.....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

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