

Quick morning study #319

Daily painting #319. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

Today has been one of those crazy, manic, hectic, rush...rush...rush kind of days! You know those days...we all have them! I woke up just knowing that finding time to paint or even get into my own studio was going to be tough! I taught a painting class this morning, had a meeting straight after and then a million things to do in the afternoon after which I knew I would only stumble through the door after 6.30pm with my children and still have to face cooking supper! So one thing daily painting has taught me is discipline .... I got home from dropping Ross at school and went straight to the cloudy view from my bedroom window over the green tree tops of the public gardens next to our home and I painted quickly ...without too much thought ...for the short 20 minutes I had before getting ready for class. So this is the result....a quick study in paint! It is not a masterpiece but I share it anyway with pride that I did it at all! Another reminder to me that just when you think you can't do something, if you set your mind to it and make a decision to try's a step in the right direction! All those things I thought I wasn't going to have enough time for today ....well they all got done...and I survived. The only family member who didn't seem to cope with the day and adopted the attitude of 'wake me up when this is over' was my cat Shelly who tucked her face under her back legs, hid from the world and had a hard day sleeping!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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