

For flowers... #320

Daily painting #320. 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

I am learning to accept that I am a hunter/gatherer and a compulsive hoarder! I love hunting down things at markets, antique shops and even second hand stores! Besides the fact that I couldn't afford it, the treasures I find are never the valuable kind. In actual fact they are usually the broken, chipped, cracked and discarded but beautiful that catch my attention. Only yesterday I found 2 discarded pigeon hole cabinets the ones used for filing papers in (before the days of Dropbox and online filing systems) ....perfect for my studio! They look old, grimy,  chipped and unloved but I can't wait to give them a little tender loving care, fix them up and give them a new lease on life. I paid R50 for both cabinets (R25 each....crazy!!!!) and the person who I bought them from thought he had got a bargain getting rid of rubbish! Today I painted another little throw away from someone's expensive tea set.....a short, stout, odd shaped milk jug, tossed out because it was chipped, old and not quite so beautiful for the tea table any longer. Well now it sits on my studio shelf and is just perfect for a handful of flowers ....or to paint.... Or simply sit on my shelf feeling beautiful!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and all purchase details)

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