

Granny's sugar spoon #250

Daily painting #250. A5 watercolor paper, pen ink and watercolor

Towards the end of the month I will be leaving for the UK to join my son who is going on a Cricket Tour of a lifetime to play against some amazing schools in and around London. My husband, daughter and I will be watching a few of the games however I hope to spend some time in London visiting some of my favorite paintings in the galleries there and top of my list is to visit the National Portrait Gallery to see this years BP Portrait exhibition which opens the evening we leave South Africa! I have not been back to London since living there nearly 17 years ago and so I am excited beyond measure!!! My daughter has never travelled to London and so the excitement in the house at the moment is HUGE!!!! My only dilemma (besides leaving my animals for nearly 2 weeks) is how to continue with my daily paintings while I am away ....I am so close to painting a whole year of little daily paintings and I don't want to stop now! I always travel with a little journal to draw in and yesterday I pulled out my pens, inks and watercolors which I also love to travel with as they are light, not so messy and easy to carry around with you. There is nothing traditional about the way I work with them but they are fun and easy to work with when you are on the move! can I survive nearly 2 weeks with no oil paint....!!!!! Mmmmm .....traveling around with wet oil panels is a pain but I know I am going to kick myself when there is something I want to paint and I don't have them there!!!! What to do......?!!!!

And just for the record for those of you who read yesterday's post....the snow inland is apparently on its way tonight and the temperature here at the coast has dropped nearly 15 maybe winter hasn't forgotten about us after all!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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