

Cold front coming.... #249

Daily painting #249. 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

Cape Town (the most southern province in South Africa) has been experiencing really cold weather and there is talk of the cold front moving up the coast towards Durban. Snow has been predicted over our Drakensberg  mountain range (no snow obviously for us here on the coast only huge temperature drops) and people are frantically booking this weekend away in the mountains in the hopes of snow....!!!! So this morning when the sun squeezed its way up under the heavy blanket of cloud I thought perhaps the cold front was finally here. Definitely not has been a sweltering hot day with temperatures at 2 pm this afternoon still hovering around 33 degrees Celsius (sorry no idea what that is in Fahrenheit ). Although KwaZulu Natal winters are really mild and snow inland is a huge novelty, at this rate it feels as if winter might be giving us a miss this year! We are still wearing summer clothes and sandals with a light jersey (cardigan) on in the mornings and early evenings in Durban. No boots, scarves or jackets yet! Crazy weather .....climate change is happening!!!!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

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