

Valentines protea #137

Daily painting #137. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

Well the shops seem to be teeming with red heart shaped chocolates, fluffy toys holding hearts with the oh so predictable text and buckets of ridiculously priced flowers lining the entrances and aisles!  No sooner will Friday be over and the same space will be trying to entice you with chocolate bunnies and candy coated eggs for Easter....
Well I have never been too conventional and anything typically red, fluffy or screaming "I love you!" would not be my first choice of Valentines gift....although I have to admit to being quite partial to those chocolate bunnies I think my flower of choice for Valentines would have to be a red protea rather than a red rose and if truth be told I would choose a painting over a bunch of flowers any day! There are a few pieces I have my eye on....(hint hint Andrew if you happen to read the blog in the morning) so if you have had your eye on a little painting don't forget to make use of the VALENTINES offer on all floral will also stand a chance to win the painting "Cherries and lace" in the lucky draw! The offer and the giveaway closes 13 Feb at 8pm (SA time) and the winner will be announced on the blog on Valentines Day!

Have a happy Thursday....nearing the end of another week already!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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