

14th Feb study #138

Daily painting #138. 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

An early morning study ...on Valentines day! I hope you have a special day and share the love around....take time out to hug and hold close those who are special to can never spoil someone with love! We shouldn't need a special day to remind us of that!

We have a winner in the Valentines lucky draw, it is .....Lesley Mitchell
Thank you to my children who helped me to do the draw and film it....just so that you can see we did a fair deal! Thank you to all the others who participated, I really appreciate it!
(A technological gremlin was not allowing me to load the recording of the draw onto YouTube and then onto the visit the Paintings in the post Facebook page to see...)

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click highlighted writing to view gallery of available paintings)

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