

Sunday afternoon #78

Daily painting #78. 6" x8" oil painting on primed canvas board

Today was a beautiful summers day and we had a quality family day spending time around the swimming pool. It is a momentous day in South African history.... Nelson Mandela has been laid to rest at his family homestead. And today, 15 December, would have been my Dad's 67th birthday!

We chose to spend the day together as a family at home and as I reflect on the day I am reminded of how much I have to be thankful for! I had a little helper today when I settled on the verandah with my  paintbox. The afternoon sky was just starting to morph into evening and some heavy clouds where pushing their way across the sky bringing a light drizzle of rain to cool us off a bit....I thought I would capture the changing sky over the tree tops in our garden. I wasn't counting on my daughter being desperate to join me....

After setting her up with her own little palette, some paint, a canvas board etc...I finally settled down to paint. But with the barrage of questions and excited chattering in my ear from Amy my (quite selfish) total absorption in my little painting was impossible and not nearly as successful as I had initially hoped...but then again what could be more successful and enjoyable than sitting painting with my little girl, seeing her own enthusiasm for paint! I think I am actually the luckiest Mum in the world!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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