

Hardy roses #79

Daily painting #79. 6"x6" oil painting on primed canvas board SOLD

About 2 years ago we adopted two puppies from a local animal welfare called Animal Anti-cruelty. They are both beautiful 'children' but I am afraid they have been the absolute destruction of my already desperate garden! Regularly the ladies arriving for art classes, besides having to avoid being bowled over by over enthusiastic welcomes from my puppies (actually fully grown but still behaving like puppies), they have to dodge the large craters that have been dug in the garden! About the only 'safe' patch in my garden, or should I say the only plants that have not been chewed or dug up are the roses...I think their only saving grace being their vicious thorns! But while they have been saved from the dogs they have been neglected by me...I no longer spray with all the horrid poisons which supposedly kill bugs, prevent disease and 'care' for the blooms and the rose food which they used to be lavished with, gets eaten by the pups! 
Despite this the faithful plants continue to provide me with beautiful flowers...for how much longer I am not too sure! As for the rest of the garden...I think it's time for 'the pups' to learn that at 2years old they need to calm down....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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