

Camellia bud #711

Daily painting #711 5"x5" oil on primed canvas panel

Those of you who follow me on social media platforms like Instagram (you can find me here) or on my Facebook page under Paintings in the post, might recognize this bud from an image I shared yesterday. I made a little image encouraging others to do something creative and to recognize the beauty around you. I photographed the bud along with some old paint tubes and then processed the image in an app to add the writing. This is the image I shared...

Some folks shared their creative projects on my Facebook page and it was wonderful to see! The old saying goes that the wolf you feed is the one that will return, so feed your creativity daily! Think in a creative and engaging way about something at least once a day (when you dress, at work, in your home, in your kitchen or garden or even in your studio). I love the fact that we are able to cyber-share in all our creative endeavors and hopefully in turn inspire others to be more creative too. I love to paint, draw, cook, spend time with my camera and a whole host of other creative endeavors that really do add a richness to my life. Engaging creatively in a daily practice is a wonderful habit and I hope you try it too! 

I definitely plan on encouraging others to inspire and share their creative endeavors again and my Facebook page is the perfect platform for sharing so if you want to join in next time, be sure to like my page Paintings in the post  on Facebook, watch out for the prompt and join in the creative fun!

This little painting was my daily creative ritual!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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