

Lime (and soda) #703

Daily painting #703 8"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

Its been a while since I painted fruit on a plate. I did a series of different fruit on different plates a long while ago and while having a big (way overdue) tidy-up in my studio this week, I gathered together again many of the props (old plates, chipped cups, little vases etc) that I have used in paintings in the past. They all seemed to have found their way into every little corner of my studio space. It was like finding hidden treasure or reuniting with old friends! I see a few little still life paintings coming up again perhaps...but then again, I do have beautiful flowers in my studio too...oh the choices!!!! If only there were more hours in the day to paint!

So why lime (and soda) you are asking, right? Well if you have been following for a while you will know I don't dedicate too much time to trying to choose what to paint for a daily painting. They are the things that are around me, that tell my story or are in my space. Today I have an abundance of limes sitting in a bowl in my kitchen. I LOVE the intensity of their colour and I love the intensity of their flavour even more. Last year we as a family gave up sugar. One of the first things I did was pour all juices, cordials and fizzy drinks ( not that we had those often) down the kitchen sink (drain). My children initially thought they were sentenced to a life of drinking water (not a bad thing)and nothing else! How boring they thought, until I introduced homemade flavored water and one of our favourites is lime and mint. Place a few slices of lime and a few mint leaves in some water and chill the water in the fridge for about an hour or two. Take a large glass of ice and pour the flavored water (including a few slices of lime) over the ice and enjoy! It's known in our house as 'Lime and soda' (a sugar free and fizzy free version)  and there is nothing more refreshing for steamy Durban weather (winter lasts for maybe 4 days if we are lucky). These beautiful limes are soon to become 'Lime and soda'.

If you are in South Africa, I hope you have a fabulous long weekend. Remember to message me privately for prices of little paintings in ZAR and for direct purchases (in SA only). My email is

Four day weekends are THE BEST!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view available daily paintings)

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