



There are a lot of new people following Paintings in the post on various social media platforms, especially Facebook and Instagram and so I decided to reintroduce myself for those that don't know much about me or Paintings in the post. A new follower who I happened to meet in person the other day commented on how lovely it was to be able to put a face to the artist and the person behind Paintings in the here I am as large as life say "hello!" Below is the message I posted on my Facebook page (Paintings in the post) and so I thought I would share it on the blog page in case you too are new to Paintings in the read....

"There are a lot of new people (yay and thank you) on this page so I thought I would take the time to introduce myself. I am a full time artist and art educator and Paintings in the post began in 2013 when I decided to begin the daily ritual of daily painting. My purpose was not necessarily to paint every day but to engage as often as possible in completing a little painting that took me no longer than an hour and in one sitting. It forced me to observe, experiment and just paint for the sake of a little record of my daily living. That being said I managed to complete 568 consecutive days of daily painting (yes...I never missed a day for 568 days) until an accident, which left me immobile for 3 weeks, kept me out of my studio and stopped me painting for a period of time. I still love to complete little daily paintings but it now forms only part of what I do and I am enjoying concentrating again on some much larger paintings ...painting a little painting every day had become too all consuming and I had neglected doing other work too. Paintings in the post, the name, came to me when I posted my first little painting off to a friend in the UK, since then these little paintings have travelled all over the world, bringing joy to people who have delighted in receiving a little painting in the post. My paintings can be viewed in an online store which makes the paintings accessible for overseas followers. South African followers and friends can message me privately for prices in ZAR and for direct purchases. You can visit my blog page if you would like to read any of my ramblings and you can also find me on Instagram at heidishedlock if following images is what you enjoy! Thanks for stopping by and remember to leave a message's been wonderful meeting SO many beautiful people through Paintings in the post and I look forward to meeting many if you are new, welcome...and if you have followed for a while...thank you!
Have a fabulous day..... X Heidi" 

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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