

Three figs #686

Daily painting #686 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

HELLO!! I have so missed all the sharing that happens on this page and the social media platforms that Paintings in the post shares to! I have been quite quiet, I know, but after finishing off a few commissions, I had to tackle some long overdue admin work which required no distractions (i.e. no painting) !! Thank goodness I am NOT an accountant but maybe then I wouldn't land myself in the kind of pickle that requires a break from painting to focus and sort out all the admin side of running my own business. I wish with all my heart that I had a magic fairy that would just take care of all those horrible admin chores which quite frankly is without a doubt MY WORST chore to do! I just want to paint...and so I have had to force myself to abandon my easel and slave away at my desk for a while to play catch up! That will teach me for leaving it all and wishing for non-existing magic fairies (I can dream). 
But today I am back at my easel to do a little daily painting....and painting what I want to paint and if truth be told, feeling a little rusty too! It just confirms for me the benefit of painting's good to be back!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

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