

Birthday candles #676

Daily painting #676 5"x5" oil on primed canvas panel

Sorry I haven't been around much lately but I am working on a really exciting project which I hope to share with you soon! My time in my studio has been spent doing a lot of research and working in sketchbooks and at my computer. It's been a nice change of pace although I have had the occasional day when my paint and brushes seem to be tormenting me from the corner of my studio...willing me to walk away from the computer and just paint. As an artist one must spend time marketing ones work and researching new ideas. I call this time away from my easel...'a refueling the tank' phase and it's been good for me....

But today I couldn't not start my day in the studio without marking this special day! I have many friends, a sister in law and a husband who all celebrate their birthdays today! My little daily paintings become records of my daily journey and so today I paint honour of all the special people who I want to sing "Happy birthday" to! You can be thankful I painted and didn't actually sing...

So happy birthday....especially to my darling husband! Andrew you are the rock that anchors and the glue that holds together our little family. We love you more than words can describe and are so very blessed to be able to call you husband and Dad! 

Tons of birthday love and wishes special friends and family....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

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