

About that bunny #682

Daily painting #682 8"x8" ink and acrylic on primed panel 

A happy (belated) Easter to you and your family! 
We have had a wonderful weekend of family, delicious food and time to reflect and relax. I hope you haven't indulged in too many of those chocolate bunnies? We have been sugar free since October last year (yip no sugar whatsoever consumed in our house) but the guilty Mom got the better of me this weekend and I gave in to the rows of shiny, indulgent Easter treats (such commercial brain washing) that line every corner of our supermarkets at this time of year! What is Easter without Easter eggs right? I have a number of delicious recipes for yummy sugar-free Easter treats, but hadn't got around to making them so I bought an Easter egg for everyone in the family. My husband usually eats the children's chocolates which results in tears and so he has always received his own stash of the sugary sweet stuff at Easter to a avoid family wars! They were delighted to find that the Easter bunny hadn't avoided this sugar-free household after all, however a few bites into the soft, light brown, sickly sweet chocolates (we occasionally eat 85%/90% dark chocolate which tastes sweet because our taste buds have adjusted), I noticed the delight start to slip away with each slowing mouthful....

Hah!! Who would have thought? They actually started to feel sick from the sweetness and the one little Easter egg they were given was abandoned half eaten or offered to me in an attempt to get rid of it! Yes! My family have really adjusted their taste buds and I thought when we first started this sugar free journey that much of what I read about sugar addiction couldn't possibly be true. I never thought I would see the day anyone in my family felt sick after 2/3 bites of chocolate! 

Well don't feel sorry for us...we enjoyed a weekend of delicious treats and I felt motivated to not only continue on our sugar free journey but to also ensure we had delicious Easter treats that were good for us too! Below is a picture I took of our Easter Sunday lunch dessert (before it was finished) ...doesn't it look delicious ? Eating sugar free doesn't have to be boring and if you are thinking of changing your lifestyle it won't regret the effort it takes! And come next Easter you will save a whole lot of money on not buying those chocolate bunnies!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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