

Sketchbook rose #662

Shared from my personal sketchbook

I have had a lot of questions lately about my daily painting, so I thought I would answer a few of them in a blog post. Firstly daily painting is not the only painting I do. I work on private commissions and am currently exploring a much larger body of work which will hopefully result in an exhibition in the future. I do not only paint on little postcard size a matter of fact I LOVE a large big canvas! Surprising considering the size of the daily paintings. My daily paintings take me no longer than 45 minutes maximum and they are like little warm-up activities to get my eye tuned and my head in the right space. Imagine an athlete doing a warm-up before running the race. With my daily paintings I am less concerned about 'getting it right' and more concerned about engaging with my brush, my paint, my surface and the object I am painting. I share the images regardless of whether I feel I 'got it right' or not. It is a wonderful way to spend time with myself and my own thoughts and I often solve the worlds problems in this short time alone with my own headspace. I enjoy not having the pressure to 'get it right'. Again it can only be likened to an athlete that trains religiously everyday....over time your muscles get stronger and over time my painting evolves and ideas change and my ability to 'see' (the artists most precious skill) gets stronger too. The value of engaging daily with whatever it is that you are passionate about is immeasurable.
I get asked regularly about my sketchbooks and whether I have neglected them since I started daily painting. So today I decided to share with you a little rose study from my sketchbook. I work regularly in my sketchbook but very rarely share what I do there. They are my personal space to explore, write ideas, quotes, notes, experiments, observations and yes draw and paint as much as I can! The best advice I can give anyone is to get a sketchbook and engage daily with that book....draw, paint or even write something down that is important to you. It is often out of the subconscious thought that our best ideas evolve so engage daily ....get yourself a sketchbook and start today!
If you have any questions about my daily painting, please feel free to message me and I will try to answer or help you as best I can.... 
This sketchbook rose took just 10 minutes...10 minutes of your day is not a lot to give up to something you are passionate about!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

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