

Single #655

Daily painting #655 6"x6" ink and acrylic on primed panel

I have answered quite a few questions over the last couple of days (on various social media platforms that I share my daily paintings to) about why I have not put any of my little daily ink and acrylic florals into my online store. Well in case you too were wondering...I hadn't put any of them up for sale because I viewed them as little experiments and had kept them in my studio to mull over and work with as I explore and investigate a little further. But the response to them has been overwhelming, so thank you for all the kind comments and's wonderful to be encouraged to 'play' some more! 

Last night after answering the same question for the umpteenth time, I decided to choose just 3 of these little inky experiments and load them onto my Tictail store. They sold immediately and I couldn't be more overwhelmed and grateful for the support and interest in these little paintings! Thank you....
So I promise to load a few more. Keep an eye out on the online store, you can visit it by clicking on the highlighted writing below. South African friends can message me privately or email at for prices in ZAR and for direct purchases. 

Abundant thanks....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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