

One more bud #645

Daily painting #645 5"x7" ink and acrylic on primed board

Yes...another one! This little daily is more acrylic and less ink. I have to admit I am not yet sold on the acrylics, but I do love working with the ink. I find the acrylic more harsh and intense to work with although the one bonus is that they dry quickly and so I can carry on 'playing' and exploring immediately without having to allow drying time....a luxury one doesn't have with a daily painting if using oils. I seem to be a little impatient lately....mmmm....and the loose style I enjoy working with on florals doesn't really appeal to me with object painting or still life. I guess I need to continue exploring! Never get stuck with working in your 'style' of painting. Always push the boundaries. It's comforting to go back to what feels familiar and that will always be your starting point ....but don't be afraid to explore, experiment, play and just have fun! Change your materials, change your brush size, change the way you apply your paint.....push yourself a little further from the familiar and see where it takes you....
I think I need to try some BIG inky florals! What do you think?

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
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