

Inky strawberries #660

Daily painting #660 4"x6" ink and acrylic on primed panel

I have loved experimenting with the loose inky florals so decided to use some of the delicious fruit in my house at the moment to try a little inky still life. My little still life daily paintings tend to border on realism so to try use the unpredictable, often messy inks was a great challenge today. I also found it so hard that the intensity of the colour looks almost false and I am more familiar with working realistic hues and values. So today was quite a stressful experience...I very nearly threw in the towel and reached for my trusty oils...but I persevered! 
I would love to know what you think....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

1 comment:

  1. After I first saw them on the 30in30 challenge, I went back and looked at all your ink and acrylics on panel. I LOVE them. There is a wildness about them, a looseness and playfulness. I hope you love them and keep doing them.
