

Ink roses #640

Daily painting #640 5"x7" ink and acrylic on primed board

I had 3 pieces of smooth Masonite board in my studio which I must have had cut at some point to try out as little daily painting boards. I usually work on canvas boards which I prime and sand down. Although much smoother than working on a stretched canvas, they still have a slight texture and so I don't enjoy using ink on them. I decided to prime these little Masonite boards to experiment on and so over the last 3 days you have seen some little ink and acrylic experiments. I love the fact that once I have primed the surface and sanded it down slightly, the surface is smooth and the inks can run and the acrylics slide over the surface. It has been fun to 'play' and experiment on a new surface. I definitely need to experiment more....and I LOVE the smooth surface!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view available daily paintings)