

Endings and new beginnings...2016 #630

Daily painting #630 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

A low grey cloud started to sweep across the moody pink sky and challenged my skill at quickly capturing that moment. The colours changed quickly and so I had to paint fast! But I was sitting at a little table at the hotel (tucked away from the eyes of other guests) with my husband keeping me company....and I couldn't have been happier, regardless of how the little daily painting turned out! 

2016 is full of new possibilities (as New Years always are) and I make no resolutions or promises to myself but I would like to try complete another full year of daily painting. But 2015 taught me that nothing can really be planned and to have any huge expectation can also lead to disappointment so I will start the year with taking part in Leslie Saeta's 30 day challenge...30 paintings in 30 days for the month of January. It sounds like a good start! As 2015 taught me....I will take one day at a time. So I hope you join me on my 2016 journey starts with daily painting #630. Not a bad way to start with 630 daily paintings under my belt! I wish you all a happy, healthy and productive 2016!

25% off on checkout in my Tictail store until the end of the first week in January. Click on the link below to view all available daily paintings.

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art