

Croxley Eraser #642

Daily painting #642 5"x5" oil on primed canvas panel

Just as fast as it came around, our wonderful summer holidays have come to and end! My son begins his Grade 9 year at High School today and in a few days time my daughter will start her last year in Senior Primary School. It is quite pleasant to go back to some kind of routine but it is so hot it feels like it should still be beach and bikini (okay...maybe not quite a bikini) weather. 

The last few days have been spent shopping for and sorting new stationery, covering books and getting school uniforms ready. A tedious task indeed..except maybe for buying stationery! I have to own up to being a stationery fiend! I adore new stationery and there is nothing like a new pen or materials... that is if you are a stationery junkie like me! If you can't relate to my stationery obsession then perhaps you are thinking I am a bit crazy but a little crazy is good, so I don't mind! I can't say my son shared my enthusiasm for his new stationery...but then again perhaps it had more to do with the end of summer holidays and going back to school!

Here's hoping my children (and yours) have a fabulous 2016 school year...

"Make mistakes, take chances,
be silly, be imperfect,
trust yourself and 
follow your heart."

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the above link to view all available daily paintings)

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