

Same protea, different day #625

Daily painting #625 8"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

I just can't resist painting a protea when I have them in my house. This is the same protea I painted a few days ago, but today I used a slightly different size square. This painting is 8"x8" (20cm x 20cm)...bigger than I normally use for my daily paintings. I am working on some LARGE florals at the moment and going from BIG to small is quite a challenge, as is processing and working an image as opposed to completing the painting in one quick (max 45 min) session. But I'm not is fabulous to have time in my studio again! 

Remember to make used of the 25% off on checkout....the special offer is part of Tictail's Seasons specials and runs until the first week of January. Visit my online store to see all available daily paintings (click on the link below).

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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