

Protea #623

Daily painting #623 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

The protea, South Africa's national flower is without doubt my favourite bloom! They make me feel happy....and there is lots to be happy about (the declining value of the South African Rand against the Dollar and the Pound not being one of them!). It's holidays...we have glorious weather....we have had a little rain (we need more) ....and it's that time of year when family time is in abundance! Last night we sat outside as a family enjoying evening swims, red evening skies and a gentle breeze on a warm summers evening. My husband and I shared a delicious chilled bottle of South African wine and we ate our evening meal outdoors. It was a magnificent South African summers evening and before we realized it, it was 10pm and we were still enjoying being outdoors. This is the juice that delicious summer holidays are made of....simple things make me happy!

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Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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