

No more school shoes #621

Daily painting #621 5"x5" oil on primed canvas panel

My son only finishes his school year next week and is currently away on a school adventure camp. But my daughter finishes her school year today....and so do I! Our summer holidays begin today and it is an awesome feeling! My classroom days are over for a season in my life and I can't wait to have more time in my studio. My daughter has just finished off her Grade 6 year and next year will start her final year of primary school. My son has just 4 more years left of can that be possible? In South Africa our children finish school at 18 years old. That means he will be able to drive a car, cast his vote at election time and be able to leave home to go to university. Gosh I am jumping away with myself here but time really does seem to march along a little too fast for me and I can't keep up! But for today I will be glad that summer holidays have arrived...goodbye school days....and hello summer.
And just for the record....goodbye school shoes! They are battered, worn and falling apart but have served Amy well this year! I officially retire you!

P.S. Our children in South Africa wear strict school uniforms and this type of black shoe commonly known as Bata Toughies (yes they are tough, uncomfortable, hard leather instruments of foot torture) are standard school shoe requirements!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details)

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