

Almost the season #627

Daily painting #627 8"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

It's almost the season....the countdown begins. Christmas Day is only a few sleeps away and so as the madness begins in preparation for the celebrations (I have a household full of people on Christmas Day and on Christmas Eve), I stop, take a deep breath and remind myself of the reason for the season! So some beautiful deep red Christmassy blooms from my house to yours....
A time for family, blessings and gratitude! 

Last night we drove around our neighborhood taking in all the beautiful Christmas lights and decorations. Of course it was with my favourite these guys with my whole being! 

Remember 25% off on checkout in my Tictail store until the first week in January. Click on the link below to visit the store.
Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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