

Roses (for cats) #597

Daily painting #597 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

I popped in at one of our local garden shops and plant nursery this week to look for something and was delighted to find that their beautiful show rose garden is being put to good use. Not only is it a visual treat but they are selling cut roses by the stem and all the proceeds go towards supporting a local cat rescue organization. You choose your roses, they are cut for you and you pay R10 per stem. The roses are gorgeous....some as large as side plates and the scent from the garden was heavenly! Garden roses are always far more interesting to paint than store bought roses as they usually open up beautifully and besides the perfume is always a treat! So next time you are looking for some roses to paint or to enjoy in your home please go to Spade Garden shop and nursery and pick your's for a good cause and they will definitely last longer having been freshly picked! The garden was being given its seasonal pruning this week so there won't be any roses just yet but by Spring the garden is sure to be magnificent again. I love roses....(and cats!)

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details )