

What a week! #576

Daily painting #576 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

It is the start of Winter, although the days are still hot and muggy with no cooler weather at all! We have been blessed with the most breathtaking sunrises lately (best time of the year for beautiful morning skies) and last night as I sat watching my son's evening hockey match, a great ball of orange in a new moon was rising in a grand, stately manner over the evening sky. It dipped between the slight slivers of cloud, changing patterns and shapes until it revealed itself in a huge golden ball reflecting silver light over the ocean. In was beautiful! Yes I know...I was supposed to be watching hockey but if you know me by now, you will know I can't miss out on a bit of sentiment! Speaking of sentiment, this week has been a big week for me. I have resumed teaching and have driven my car for the first time in 7 weeks! (I nearly kissed the dashboard I was so happy!) I am still on crutches and have been exhausted and sore by the end of the day, but I am so grateful to be up and about and I know I will get stronger each day now. I cannot help but be grateful for the most awesome people in the family. They have kept me going through the last almost 8 weeks and quite frankly they rock my world! I love you guys!

My husband rock, my best friend....yes and all those other wonderful things!

My son Ross...those dimples melt this Mommy's heart!
My daughter little mini-me!
Mamma bear.....I love my Mum beyond measure and can't imagine life without her! Love you Mom x

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details )

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