

Long weekend #580

Daily painting #580 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

By the time I had got my slow behind out of bed this morning (I was tired), the sky had lost that beautiful morning glow and the crisp blue of the new day was already squeezing its way through the chilly morning cloud. I haven't painted much this week...the week seems to have slipped by in blur! 

I have realized that in order to allow myself to heal (it's taking far too darn long for my impatient being) I need to be kind to myself and I simply can't do it all! I still have a boot on my leg and need the support of only one crutch now. That being said I am back teaching all my classes, have had visual art exam papers to grade this week and my own kids are writing exams, not to mention hockey matches and piano exams thrown into an already manic week. One joy is that I have managed to cook supper every night this week (my husband is sighing with relief I think) and I ended the busy week off with a delicious balsamic slow roasted lamb which cooked for about 5 hours yesterday filling the house with the most glorious, heavenly aromas all afternoon. My darling son Ross, on arriving home, took in the aroma and grinned at me "Mom is back!" he said. I was about to explain that I hadn't been anywhere but I knew what he meant....he made me feel loved! So the busy week ended off with a delicious family meal and a bottle of yummy Diemersfontein Pinotage wine.

Today starts a long weekend. Tuesday is a Public Holiday and schools are closed on Monday so 4 days of some go-slow time (and study time for my kiddies). I woke up desperate to paint. It really isn't even about what I paint, I just need to paint! It's good for my soul and that quiet time with my own head space is like food for my soul sorts me out! I don't know why I allowed the week to go by without painting. So this weekend I will spend some much needed time in my studio. I have a beautiful painting of a gorgeous little girl to finish for her grandma (Annie if you are reading this I haven't forgotten you), I have a large floral painting to finish and I am going to fit in a quick daily painting whenever I can....this weekend I NEED to paint!

What are you up to this weekend? I would love to hear from you....
Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details )

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