

Cherries on blue #585

Daily painting #585 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel 

By the time this post shares tomorrow morning, we will be on the road. My children have finished school and it is winter holidays. We are heading off north, inland, to a place called Nelspruit for my son and his school teammates to participate in a Cricket Festival. It's about an 8 hour journey by car. After the cricket festival (which ends on Tuesday) we are traveling about an hour away from Nelspruit to the Kruger National Park, South Africa's largest game reserve. To put the size into perspective it is said to be similar in size to England. We love spending time visiting the bush so I hope to have lots to share with you (I promise some photos too)!

My day today was spent shopping for supplies for home and for our journey, packing all sorts of bits and pieces and trying to tidy a bit so that the house is relatively organized before we leave. I tried to tidy up a bit in my studio but I got easily distracted. I remembered some cherries that I had put aside so that no one ate them (don't tell my family) and it was too tempting to not paint them....they won't last until I get home! So I managed to squeeze in a daily painting was a good way to take some time out from the rushing around (my ankle needed it!).

I am looking forward to some special family time and a good's been a crazy, frustrating and testing Autumn term!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details )

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