

Mini daffodils #566

Daily painting #566 6"x6" oil primed canvas panel

A friend gave me this pot of miniature daffodils and they are sitting just outside my studio. I love daffodils they always remind me of summers in England (I lived in London for a while after graduating) but I am always fascinated with how daffodils suddenly appear in our shops to coincide with the Northern Hemisphere spring! We on the other hand are going into winter here in the Southern Hemisphere and it certainly is not feeling summery and spring-like! I always have a giggle when I see them appearing in the shops. Not that I have been into a shop in almost 5 weeks!! So thanks to my friend for bringing a little spring cheer for me.....I do love daffodils and spring-time!  Perhaps their sudden appearance has something to do with the fact that our temperatures in autumn  (although it feels slightly chilly to us) are quite similar if not warmer than an English spring. Perhaps this is the perfect temperature for daffodils, even if it isn't spring! 


Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
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