

Seagull #549

Daily painting #549 pen and watercolour from my sketchbook NFS

We have arrived in beautiful Cape Town! Without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities in South Africa. We took my daughter straight down to the waterfront after we landed. She was amazed at how many seagulls there were...she has never been to Cape Town before. She kept taking photos of the seagulls! By the end of the week she will be sick of them!
I have left my oil paints behind at home and plan to do more sketching and little documents in my private journal. I will share one of them each day as my daily painting. I sat drawing on the plane yesterday and every time I looked up the lady across the aisle was smiling in my direction. I clearly provided her with 2 hours of entertainment for the duration of the flight. There is nothing more unnerving than a stranger peering at you while you draw. I could see she was dying to ask me if she could take a look but I was trying as hard as I could to ignore her and concentrate. While waiting for our luggage after arrival I saw her pointing in my direction in an animated conversation with her (I assume) husband. She must have been telling him about the crazy lady on the plane!
So a little share from my daily recordings today....I feel lost without my oil paints but it's good to get back to working in a little sketchbook again.

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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