

Girl with flowers #536

Daily painting #536 watercolour from my sketchbook NFS

Another little share from my sketchbook. I am so comfortable with pushing and pulling and manipulating my oil paint around the canvas that working with watercolour is a huge challenge for me! It is so very unforgiving! What you put down is there to stay and accidents can either be joyful because they result in something interesting or they are totally destructive because one cannot paint over them like one would with oils! So way out of my comfort zone you can probably see but that is always a good thing to push yourself beyond what you feel comfortable with! I was so happy to read so many people responding to my "10 minutes a day" drawing yesterday and I hope you are finding just 10 minutes in your day....remember the drawing doesn't have to be complete. Sometimes the unfinished is more just draw (or doodle) ....for the sake of drawing! It's good for the soul!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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